Champions' Manual

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Living Above Average … Breaking out of poverty

The middle-class set goals that brings them comfort.  An average person wants to be comfortable, not disturbed and just okay. Man was not created to be comfortable.  As a matter of fact every time you feel comfortable, it may be a sign you are not in the right place. 

The middle class appreciates the World class’ results. They are happy seeing big dreams come alive. The only thing they lack is self-will which can help them burst out of mediocrity. Although the middle class appreciate exceptional achievements, they don’t have the 'guts' to do the extraordinary.

Average people have faith. Great people USE their
faith. Top performers understand that having faith is not enough, hence, they use their faith to get things done. Average people are caged by their believe.

Living extraordinary requires changing your perception about yourself and others. Rich people think of themselves as a small business unit that is indestructible.

Being a world class or an average person is not a destiny, it is THE PERSON you become trying to fulfill your DESTINY. Nobody ever really wants to stay average. It is our decisions that decide our financial status and our degree of influence - OUR CLASS.

The masses believe 24 hrs a day is not enough. Rather than thinking about that, rich people maximize their time. Everything seems to be working out as planned. They decide what happens to each time of the day while taking charge of their actions.

How do I ascend to the league of the World class?
1.      Break out of yourself.. move... take action on your ideas
2.      Change your believes
3.      Put value on your time
4.      Be super productive

You're designed for the top... you deserve it.

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You Have Something Special

You may not be good at solving mathematics, but you are good at something! Don't let men deceive you. You are good at something. You have something special. You have greatness within you.