Champions' Manual

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

FULFILL YOUR DREAMS... without tears

About 6 years ago, I heard a story about how an elephant was tied to a certain location for over 5 years. After this period, the elephant was untied. One interesting thing that happened was that, even after being untied, the elephant still couldn’t move beyond the limit set when it was tied. Until you are angry with where you are, you can’t fulfill your dreams.
Change your beliefs, change your life:

You are only limited by what you choose to believe. If you can change your beliefs, your actions would change. But if you think the government, the people, the weather forms the factors that are stopping you then you need a rethink.
Don’t let your background affect your mind-ground
Your background is not a factor if you think you want to cause a shift in this nation. When you’re not doing what you are suppose to be doing, every other thing is an excuse. Jump out of your sit and SET YOUR GOALS.
Be comfortable with being uncomfortable

Break out of depression. When you think positive things for so long, negativity give way. Set your mind on things in the future, your bad past will lose its value. You are where you are today because of what you’ve chosen to focus on. Your focus drives your feeling. Focus on getting that big dream done, and see it come to pass. You deserve the best. Move.

Any comment, contribution or suggestion, please post in the comment box...


You Have Something Special

You may not be good at solving mathematics, but you are good at something! Don't let men deceive you. You are good at something. You have something special. You have greatness within you.