Champions' Manual

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

FULFILL YOUR DREAMS... without tears

About 6 years ago, I heard a story about how an elephant was tied to a certain location for over 5 years. After this period, the elephant was untied. One interesting thing that happened was that, even after being untied, the elephant still couldn’t move beyond the limit set when it was tied. Until you are angry with where you are, you can’t fulfill your dreams.
Change your beliefs, change your life:

Friday, 3 June 2016

NOT CAGED … YET NOT FREE.... it's time to fly

The mediocre ideology that prisoners are only those that are in jail is fading away. The world is now just beginning to believe that one can be in prison…yet not be a prisoner. Prison has a lot to do with the mind than the chains and the handcuffs. It is a mind-thing. Nelson Mandela was in prison for over 20 years yet he came out and ruled his country. Have you ever wondered why people who walk the streets will still wait for a man with a jail-term to lead the affairs of a country? 90% of prisoners are not in prison; 90% of those in prison are not prisoners.

Today’s discussion seeks to discuss what most people don’t like to talk about – not caged, yet not free. Isn’t it interesting that we have more prisoners that free men? You would always want to debate that, and I bet you could win especially if you are using correlation coefficients. But beyond the debate, beyond the analysis - taking into considering that the numbers of prison we have in the country cannot able to accommodate 1/3rd of the nation’s population, you will logically agree with me that we have a lot of people, though not being sentenced to prison, still going about their normal businesses but who are still caged.

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

DESTINY DETERMINANT: how do I know if I am fulfilling my destiny?

Deep down the heart of every man is the zeal to fulfill destiny. However, most people live all their lives only thinking about what they were created for without taking an action towards living according to purpose. More than 80% of the world’s population hates what they do. The remaining 20% live from their greatness; they follow their passion. Every man was created with something and for something. You may never know what you were created for if you don’t know what you were created with. What you were created for is called destiny; what you were created with empowers you to fulfill it.
What you were created with (gifts, abilities, skills, character, and temperament) empowers you to fulfill what you were created for (destiny)

In this article, I’ll give you five points to help you know whether you are on track or off track:

a.       Great challenge: Great men are birthed in the midst of great challenges. A great challenge is a clue you have a great future. You are only called great, when you are able to take on a great challenge. Challenges are doors to your next level; attitude to challenges separates the wise from the fool. Facing a great challenge will force you to act, to move, to relocate, to arise and to shine. When you come to the point of getting angry with where you are, you start fulfilling destiny. Challenge leads you to anger, anger leads to change. The best way God uses to make you fulfill destiny is to allow you face great challenges. Overwhelming complexities will always make the greatness in you rise.
b.      Difference: Destiny fulfillment revolves around recognizing what makes you different from the other. Every time you come to the point of recognizing how different you are from the next man, you’re ready to fly. Diversity is good thing. Look inside of you and spell out those things you love to do, think about most of the time; your destiny revolves around it.
c.       Passion: What do you hate? Your destiny is to correct what you hate. The world is ill, what can you do to heal it? What is that deep passion you have? What are you always fascinated about? You’re on the course of your destiny is you are following your passion; you are fulfilling someone else’s destiny if you are following their passion. This is one destiny trap you have to avert. Move in the direction of your happiness
d.      Favor: Mike Murdock says favor is a clue you are where you belong. The easiest way to know you are on the right path is having favor in the midst of challenges. There will always be a way out. You don’t get stuck on destiny’s path. Confusion and depression disappears. When this happens, reassure yourself, you are on track.
I may not know you, but I know that you are so powerful… there is life in you. And you are sure to go in the direction of your dreams. You deserve it!

Drop a comment… we will like to hear from you

Friday, 22 April 2016


We are very happy celebrating our birthdays. It is always a day where the celebrants take stock of  their achievements, strengths, weakness, opportunities and how to become a better individual at work, to the family and to the society.  It is a day where we look into the past to evaluate our performance and also look into our future to create a better life.  Many people do different things on their birthdays to make it special. These activities include throwing a party, fasting and prayer and lots more. Several other people visit new places and have fun with their friends all day.
What you do in your birthday is very important; it can set the course for the last half of your life.  Though not written in their other of significance, these are ten things I wish you can do to improve your birthday, even as I wish you more yielding years ahead

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Make Your Ideas Work...for you

One of the most powerful things that can change the world is ‘your’ idea. An idea is so powerful that it can rearrange the planet to favour your desires.

80% of the world’s population lives in poverty, sickness and struggles. Poverty is not lack of money; it’s a lack of idea. We see leaders failing, economic crisis, poverty increasing and lots more. All these are results of lack of ideas.

There is enough money in circulation, especially in Nigeria. And, you can have a lot of it as far as you know the right thing to do. Money does not respond to time, environment or certificates, it responds to ideas. Money will always find its way to your office and home if you act on that ‘your’ idea.

An idea on its own is useless if not

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Living Above Average … Breaking out of poverty

The middle-class set goals that brings them comfort.  An average person wants to be comfortable, not disturbed and just okay. Man was not created to be comfortable.  As a matter of fact every time you feel comfortable, it may be a sign you are not in the right place. 

The middle class appreciates the World class’ results. They are happy seeing big dreams come alive. The only thing they lack is self-will which can help them burst out of mediocrity. Although the middle class appreciate exceptional achievements, they don’t have the 'guts' to do the extraordinary.

Average people have faith. Great people USE their

You Have Something Special

You may not be good at solving mathematics, but you are good at something! Don't let men deceive you. You are good at something. You have something special. You have greatness within you.